
“When you try to make an album but instead pour your frustrations and insecurities out into a movie script and you’re so desperate to have anything to release so you just kinda contort your script a little and tap into your passion for voice acting then release your fucked up project as a full length album instead.” Geniunely though, this is a somebodies pain and story rather than an album. There's a handful of songs on here but they are all for the sake of the, some of them being used for satire to parody other artists, like Kendrick Lamar being referenced as Cedric Lamort in order to get his ideas of modern music across. The downward spiral of an antihero reaches the deepest pits of mental hell before undergoing hallucinatory moments that are "The window, pt.2" and its following tracks. That song, damn. It's extremely simple and, musically compared to CLK's other work, it's nothing impressive at all. Despite this, its an extremely emotional and raw track, it's something that every person can relate to, but having the context leading up to it would be necessary. It's the climax of this story/album. Im not spoiling anything more in the off chance someone will actually listen to this thing, which I would not recommend unless you are somewhat familiar with CLK, because not understanding his style could make this experience more confusing than it should be.

C’EST LA KEY - Superflat


FAVORITE TRACKS - The window pt.2

GENRE - ???


Safety In The Moon


Mika’s Laundry