A Museum Of Contradiction

This project originally drew me in because I heard the 2nd track “cz” on social media somewhere and immediately fell in love with Mk.gee’s unique approach to music that this track fully represented. “cz” features a laid back and mellow dramatic vibe with a super rhythmic and catchy production (especially that initial guitar riff). In this track the line “Everything hurts a little more in the summertime” completely resonated with me and prompted me to almost immediately delve into this whole album. As far as the production on this album goes it really doesn’t stand out as anything super special or unique, but Mk.gee understands that to succeed in the alternative indie scene he doesn’t need the flashiest or loudest production, instead, he focuses his effort on creating a cohesive project in which every track is executed under the same principals; being calming, catchy, and genuinely fun. You can tell he enjoyed making this project because each track is imbued with the same fun and enjoyable production and lyricism, it’s something you play on one of “those” summer nights, or honestly, whenever you want. Mk.gee excels in setting a super soothing and free sonic landscape within this project, and pretty much all of his music. From the guitars, to drums, to vocals, this entire project has an amazing vibe, and I could honestly recommend this project to literally anyone I know

MK.GEE - A Museum Of Contradiction

RATING - 8.7/10

FAVORITE TRACKS - cz, Western, dimeback

GENRE - Alternative, Indie, Electronic



